He Feng Chinese Cuisine
- 「關於荷風家常菜。」
光陰的故事 ‧ 眷村菜的蛻變
台灣荷風中國菜餐廳創立至今二十年,源自台灣早期眷村菜,隨著臺灣經濟起飛與國民生活水平提升,從吃的飽到如今吃的巧,不再停留舌尖上的滿足,更能填補身心靈的需求。在荷風餐廳用餐,美味是必須的,整體營造輕鬆的氛圍與親切的服務 !
天然用心 ‧ 美味料理
名列2019年 米其林推薦餐廳
The owner has served home-style Yunnan cooking, slightly tempered for Taiwanese taste buds, for many years. She not only connects with her diners through her cooking, but also by her insistence on using all-natural Taiwanese ingredients, such as rock salt and goose fat. Apart from typical Yunnanese braised dishes that are heavily spiced; natural flavours, freshness and healthiness certainly come through in her hearty creations.
超人氣合菜 & 宴席菜
Signature Economy Dish & Banquet dishes
Signature Dish
荷風 單點菜單
線上電子書,了解所有美味菜色 !
Dining Environment
Contact Reservation
四段178號2樓午餐 AM 11:30 - PM 14:00
下午茶 PM 14:30 - PM 16:30
晚餐 PM 17:30 - PM 21:3002-27905908
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